
The simple but powerful teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of India's most revered spiritual masters, continue to enlighten and enrich over sixty years after his death. Be As You Are is the definitive compendium of his knowledge, edited by the former librarian from Sri Maharshi's ashram. The book collects conversations with the many seekers who came to him for guidance, answering the questions sought on the road of enlightenment. His concern throughout his long life of imparting his experience to others was to convince his listeners that enlightenment is not a mysterious state, but the natural condition of man. This state can be easily discovered by undertaking the self-investigation clearly described in these talks. The lucid instructions provide further illumination of this greater seer’s message. The readers can discover the essence of Sri Ramana's teaching: that self-realization is vital before we can attempt to understand the world.

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