Self Help > Self Help Books


Many of us grapple with how to stay happy, calm and focused in a worldthat seems to get more complex by the minute. How do we keep our witsabout us, our mood stable and our memory intact when our brains and bodies are bombarded with information and influences from every side? This one‐of‐a‐kind resource combines cutting‐edge science with compassionand wisdom to offer answers we can really use. Heal Your Mind continues the three‐pronged healing approach that Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz and Louise Hay pioneered together in All Is Well: Heal Your Body with Medicine, Affirmations and Intuition. Here, it’s applied to aspects of the mind ranging from depression, anxiety and addiction to memory, learning and even mystical states. You’ll learn what’s going on in your brainand body when: You feel sad, angry or panicked. An addictive substance or behavior has hold of you. You have trouble focusing, reading or remembering.

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