
The second edition of Legal Aspects of Business: Texts, Jurisprudence, and Cases is a comprehensive textbook designed especially for postgraduate students of business management. It presents a complete, all-inclusive jurisprudence and supplements the concepts with numerous cases, exercises, and profiles of legal luminaries. The book is divided into six parts. Part I introduces the reader to Business Jurisprudence. As contract law is the foundation of all business laws, Part II, Commercial Jurisprudence, on Mercantile Law discusses the Indian Contract Act, 1872, and its features at length. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930, the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881, The Indian Partnership Act, 1932, the Companies Act, 2013, and the Competition Act, 2002 are also covered in depth. Part III, Financial Jurisprudence, covers the laws related to finance and banking at length. Part IV, Labour and Industrial Jurisprudence covers the laws related to wages, workers' social security, and industrial relations. Part V, Aspects of New Economy and Jurisprudence, throws light on laws related to information and communication, intellectual property rights, and environmental protection. Part VI, Judicial and Social Jurisprudence is devoted to business and criminal liability and basic rights and business. The book also offers valuable insights to practitioners to arrive at legally sound decisions in various business situations.

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