Health > General Health


For centuries, human beings have searched in avain for an elixir for perfect health and a cure for all diseases. This book has all aspects of this single mirace: plain, safe drinking water taken in ample quantities. Discover why you should never wait to be thirsty, before drinking water. Learn about a method that is gentler, more natural and faultless in flushing wastes from your body than harsh and unnatural alternatives like purgatives and enemas. 
By drinking ample amounts of water, the resulting thin blood (i.e., of low viscosity): 

  • enables your heart to work less but more efficiently
  • sppeds th elow of oxygen and nutrients to every part of your body and thereby increases your energy level
  • prevents pimples, eczema, biols and othe skin blemishes
  • make the skin younger, lovelier and more beautiful
  • rids the body of constipation, unpleasant breath and related digestive problems 
  • prevents asthama-related or sickle cell crises
  • prevents strokes, heart attacks, cancer, etc
  • cure stubborn diseases that doctores have gien up as incurable and terminal. 
Related advice is given on food intake, the need to have regular physical exercise and regular oppurtunities for your body to perspire and to rest. 

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