Religion > Christianity


Books abound for those whose marriages are crumbling or have ended.  But what about those marriages committed "'til death do us part" and yet are going through a period of time when one spouse is carrying the burden?  What happens to a woman when marriage gets heavy and she gets weary?  Often, when a woman ends up carrying the weight of the marriage (due to her husband's health, choices, workload, etc.), her tendency is to "get out or check out."  She may consider her husband's distraction an opportunity to do her own thing.  But is there a better way to walk through this season?  Even thrive?

Susie Larson stands in as an encouraging friend, walking with you, helping you to discern how anxiety and anger will slow you down; and how loneliness and disappointment can actually refine and bless you.  You will be challenged and inspired as you wrap your arms around this time and remember that God has His arms around you.

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