Religion > Christianity

Overcoming Hindrances to Fulfilling your destiny
Author: Os Hillman
ISBN: 9789385194016
Size: 140 X 215 mm
Pages: 135
Publisher: GS Books


The Bible tells us that Jesus came to give us life abundantly and to give us a purpose, a hope, and a future (Jer 29:11 and Jn 10:10). It also says that Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy our lives (Jn 10:10). Satan literally tried to kill Moses and Jesus at birth. He wanted to snuff out their purpose and destiny. If he cannot do that, he will try to wound you so badly in childhood that you cannot live your life for God or experience meaningful relationships and purpose in your life.

Os Hillman has been helping men and women understand their purpose and destiny for over thirty years. He’s discovered that Satan has a planned strategy to derail Christians from God’s intended destiny for their life. He learned these lessons the hard way – through personal experience. You will find that the truths that are revealed in this book are not just a theory or teaching, but are lessons learned from real-life hindrances that Os has discovered and overcome, and in some cases, still overcoming in his own life. He has helped many become free of their own hindrances to fulfilling their destinies. This book will help you do the same.

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