History > History Books

World History: Journeys From Past to Present
Author: Candice Goucher , Linda Walton
ISBN: 9781138667600
Size: 170 x 240 mm
Pages: 0
Publisher: Routledge


Using a thematic approach supported by a variety of evidence and multidisciplinary interpretations, World History: Journeys from Past to Present provides a dynamic framework for the study of the vast reaches of our common past. Distinguished by truly global coverage, this new survey helps us to discover the connections between past and present from earliest prehistory to the present age of globalization. Thematic chapters explore mobility and the interrelationship of peoples; their connections with the environment; the communities they form; the patterns of dominance and submission involved in the ways they organize themselves politically, economically, and socially; and the ways in which they construct and express cultures through ideas, religion, art, and architecture.

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