Religion > Christianity


Theologian, rebel, Bible translator, preacher, and prolific writer. . . the life of Martin Luther defies simple description. Luther was, above all, a man of the people, one whose greatest desire was to bring God’s Word in clear, concise language to the masses.

The Word of God was indeed all Luther needed to light the fire of the German Reformation. Recognizing from Romans 1 that God gives believers in Christ positive righteousness, Luther posted his ninety-five theses on October 31, 1517, and from then on refused to be silenced.

Luther’s many achievements, including his astounding translation of the entire Bible into an extremely readable German edition, underscore how profoundly he was used by God. One man—guided solely by the divine, with a real faith expressed with sincerity and force—would pull back the drapes of the oppressive Middle Ages and let in the Light.

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