Self Help > Self Help Books

Right Kind of Wrong: Why Learning to Fail Can Teach Us to Thrive
Author: Amy Edmondson
ISBN: 9781847943774
Size: 150 x 230 mm
Pages: 350
Publisher: Cornerstone Press


We used to think of failure as a problem, to be avoided at all costs. Now, we're often told that failure is desirable - that we must 'fail fast, fail often'. The trouble is, that neither approach distinguishes the good failures from the bad. As a result, we miss the opportunity to fail well.

Here, Amy Edmondson - the world's most influential organizational psychologist - reveals how we get failure wrong, and how to get it right. She draws on a lifetime's research into the science of 'psychological safety' to show that the most successful cultures are those in which you can fail openly, without your mistakes being held against you. She introduces the three archetypes of failure - simple, complex, and intelligent - and explains how to harness the revolutionary potential of the good ones (and eliminate the bad).

She tells vivid stories ranging from the history of open heart surgery to the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster, all to ask a simple, provocative question: What if it is only by learning to fail that we can hope to truly succeed?

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