Health > Yoga/Meditation


Our main problem is to be free. It is evident then that until we realise ourselves as the Absolute, we cannot attain deliverance. Yet there are various ways of attaining this realisation. These methods have the generic name of Yoga (to join, to join ourselves to our reality). These Yogas, though divided into various groups, can principally be classed into four [Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga], and as each is only a method leading indirectly to the realisation of the Absolute, they are suited to different temperaments. Now it must be remembered that it is not that the assumed man becomes the real man or Absolute. There is no becoming with the Absolute. It is ever free, ever perfect, but the ignorance that has covered Its nature for a time is to be removed. Therefore, the whole scope of all systems of Yoga (and each religion represents one) is to clear up this ignorance and allow the Atman to restore its own nature. YOGA THE SPIRITUAL PATH Swami Vivekananda combines the Yogas of the Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali s Yoga Sutras, with the wisdom of India s rich philosophical tradition in Yoga: The Spiritual Path, a definitive guide to self-realisation.

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