Business/Management > Business Management

Tap Dancing to Work: Warren Buffett on Practically Everything
Author: Carol J Loomis
ISBN: 9780670922383
Size: 130 x 200 mm
Pages: 350
Publisher: Penguin-portfolio


 This book will be supported by Buffett and Fortune magazine Warren Buffett, the world's greatest investor, has long had a unique relationship with Fortune magazine, thanks to his deep personal friendship with the acclaimed writer Carol Loomis. She first mentioned Buffett in print in 1966. By the mid 1970s he trusted Loomis enough that he asked her to edit his famous annual letter to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway. She has been filling that role ever since, without spilling his secrets in Fortune or anywhere else. Tapdancing to Work is the definitive history of Buffett's business and investing career. It collects and updates the best articles Fortune has ever published about Buffett, based on extensive interviews with him from the 1960s through the 2010s. Loomis adds fresh commentary and insights that will help Buffett's fans see his triumphs (and occasional missteps) in a new light. On a crowded shelf of books about Buffett, this one offers unprecedented access, unique information and deep understanding.

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