
Every Nepali wants their life to be easier and not be a constant struggle for basic necessities like food, health and education. To fulfill this wish, there has to be multifaceted prosperity in the country and it has to be distributed equitably among the citizens of every class and region. But how is this possible? There has been considerable debate on this topic from multiple perspectives. But it is a pity that political parties and leaders who should have been leading development initiatives are more interested in personal short-term gains than in the prosperity of the people. The former chair of the Development Committee of Legislature-Parliament and current Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Rabindra Adhikari, has tried to creatively intervene in this matter and curb such tendencies. Adhikari’s views on how Nepal can be holistically developed so as to fulfill the current generation’s aspiration, and the challenges and opportunities on this front, will inject hope into the youth who dream of a prosperous Nepal.

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