
Peter J. Karthak donned many a colorful hats in his long professional career. First he was a musician and leader of a music band in Darjeeling, then a school teacher in Nepal, a croupier in a Casino in Kathmandu, a full time guitar player for Radio Nepal, a teacher of English in a college, aprize winning author of a novel then finally a desk man at several daily newspapers. Through his writings one could get to know not only about his personal career but also the people who were well known public figures in their own right. Incidentally most of the people of whom he wrote were connected directly with the world of Nepali music. This compendium is the collection of Karthak’s personal reminiscences and highlights those Nepali musicmakers–many past by now and quite a few still practicing their crafts, of two musical crucibles, one in the town of Darjeeling and the other in the capital city of Kathmandu.

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